Let's make music together.

Dr Simone Marino, PhD
I was born in Italy where I was a professional musician for 10 years before studying anthropology and ethnomusicology in Rome.
I emigrated to Australia in 2010 and completed my PhD in migration studies at the University of South Australia. I now enjoy working with and researching music and CaLD elderly people, especially Italian elderly migrants. I am now a Postdoctoral research fellow at Social Aging (SAGE) Futures Lab at Edith Cowan University (ECU), and a music and cultural consultant at InCasa Aged Care & Community Services. I conduct a music engagement program called “Comusichiamo – Let's make music together”.
Music has always been a big part of my life. I believe in the power of music as a tool for connection and transformation. I play the guitar, lira calabrese (Calabrian lyre) and zampogna (Italian bagpipe), and I enjoy singing and composing songs in Italian and English. I am based in Perth, Western Australia, and regularly organise small concerts for Italian-speaking people community groups and aged care facilities.

Making a "soundtrack" of your life.
As I am an immigrant from Italy, Italian music is always very special to me. It transports me to another place, the precious times with my mamma, papà, nonni, and amici in Italy. I feel as though I am back in the past and experiencing life once again in Italy.
Italian is the language of my heart. I feel I am more “myself” when I speak or sing in Italian.
Music and one’s first language can evoke powerful memories and help people experience their true sense of “self”.
With the Comusichiamo music program, we talk about your life, family, and friends in Italian (or dialect or English), and we sing your favourite songs together. We can also make your own song about your life story in Italian.
My goal is to assist Italian elderly migrants, including those living with dementia, to enjoy music together, stimulate their memory, enhance their active social engagement and maintain their cultural identity and belonging through music.
Making a "sound track" of your life.
Speak to us about how we can individually tailor a service for your specific needs. Below are some ideas that we currently offer and can expand on as required.
Together we can compile and recollect your favourite songs, sing them and even record them together. In each session, we can also talk about your favourite songs and memories. - Why do you love the song? When did you listen? With whom did you sing these songs? We can collate a sort of musical biography of your life and you can retain it as a keepsake for yourself and to share with loved ones.

Would you like to work together to create a special song of your life story that includes your famiglia, amici, paese and vita in Italy and Australia? You can share your life story with me and we will compose the song together. I will assist you to bring together the elements, history and story of your life and to turn these into a song. I will write the melody and arrange it with your lyrics to create a unique and personalised composition.

Would you like to create a personalised song and give it to your beloved mamma, papà, nonni or zii? You can tell me about their life stories and family memories, and then I will put all the elements together and compose a song with Italian lyrics.

Are you thinking about organising a music activity for your residents or a group of people in your community? A small singing and music group can run weekly, fortnightly or monthly. These groups or concerts can be individually tailored to suit your needs. I can also visit your home, community centre or facility for a mini-concert (approx.1 hour) to perform Italian songs with acoustic guitar and play the Lira Calabrese (Calabrian Lyre).

"Dear Simone,
We are so grateful for your time and expertise with working with dad. The time dad spent with you was beneficial on so many levels. Dad would look forward to your time together and it gave him structure and purpose to his week as he'd work on his songs and lyrics like a sort of project. During the time dad worked with you, it also gave my mum some much needed respite.
Dad has a real sense of achievement and satisfaction from producing songs that people would enjoy listening to. It sparked conversation when he shared his songs with others and it allowed dad to engage in conversation about the process. As you know, Simone, dad had a "libretto" with words to songs that he had written in his youth. His lifelong desire to put music to some of those songs came to fruition with your help and exceptional talent for engaging and understanding dad's needs and intentions with his songs.
We remain forever indebted and grateful to you for this precious time you spent work with dad. Thank you, Simone!
"Hi Simone,
Thank you for all your patience, dedication and skill with dad. You brought a dream to life for him. He's so proud of the time he spent with you and you reignited his passion for his songs. It's something only someone with your dedication, compassion and expertise could achieve. Dad truly will miss his time shared with you as much as Mum will the respite and the positivity dad displayed after your sessions together. It was like a respite from dementia for us all. Take care and I hope to hear more about others' lives you impact. Thank you.
“Ciao Simone, I’ve just come from Dad’s place where I have shown him how to play the CD you have made for him. I wanted to let you know that I’m emotionally overwhelmed by the work you have done on Dad’s song"
“This is beautiful, Simone. Mille Grazie (Many thanks). We listen to your song quite often; he really loves it. Thank you again”
“This is absolutely beautiful Simone. I am going to share this with family in Italy, and with the Mayor of the village. You’ve made his dream reality…better than any prescription antide pressants!”